【美国】【优质】北美油气资产投资机会(十)【Energy China Forum】2018-04-20
净面积9200英亩 18口探明开发已生产井/30口探明未开发井/9口探明已开发未生产井
【美国】【优质】北美油气资产投资机会(十一)【Energy China Forum】2018-04-20
【美国】【优质】北美油气资产投资机会(九)【Energy China Forum】2018-02-28
净探明储量:5,681 百万桶油当量(3%探明已开采/97%探明未开采)位于Shannon储层 净产量:55桶油当量/日 (63% 石油 / 22% 天然气 / 15% 天然气凝析液) 2018年度预计运营收入约为250万美元- 若钻井于2018年8月 启动/最近一期项目完井于2013年
【美国】【优质】北美油气资产投资机会(八)【Energy China Forum】2018-02-26
~总净探明油气储量:69,600 百万桶油当量 /约合1.54亿美元 (探明已开发储量 10%折现率 + 探明未开发储量 15%折现率) ~净产量:284 百万桶油当量 (90% 石油 / 7% 天然气 / 3% 天然气凝析液) ~2018年预计营运收入:2,450万美元 (包含2018年19口井钻井项目)
【美国】【优质】油气资产投资 - 新墨西哥州Lea县【Energy China Forum】2018-02-06
总面积16,904英亩 ; 净面积10,051英亩 56%平均开采权益&作业权 净产量约为32.4桶/天
【美国】【优质】油气资产投资 - 得克萨斯州PECOS县【Energy China Forum】2018-02-06
总面积约26,000英亩 ; 净面积约16,000英亩 65%平均开采权益&作业权 总产油量:48桶/天
【美国】【优质】油气资产投资 - Cotton Valley【Energy China Forum】2018-01-11
44-Producing Wells. 6,922 Net Acres. Majority Operated Anticipated Net Production: 5-6 MMcfe/d Proved Infill Hz Locations Ready to Drill Solid Assets to Build Company Proved PV10: $36,201,400
【美国】【优质】油气资产投资 - 特拉华盆地【Energy China Forum】2018-01-11
Premier position in the oil core of the Delaware Basin ▪ 2,880 surface acres in Pecos Co., TX ▪ Average 85% operated WI available ▪ Significant running room for horizontal development ▪ Hearing offers on individual horizons (Wolfcamp, Bone Spring, Woodford) Development Potential ▪ Ready to drill, hi
【美国】【优质】油气资产投资 - 美国【Energy China Forum】2018-01-11
The properties consist of 65,060 gross acres (51,035 net acres) -100% HBP across Bowman, Divide, McKenzie & Williams Cos., ND and Dawson, Richland, Roosevelt & Sheridan Cos., MT. There are total of 111-Operated wells including 5-SWDs, 57 Non-Operated wells & 11-wells with ORRI. Average operated owne
【美国】【优质】油气资产投资 - 美国DJ盆地【Energy China Forum】2018-01-11
Beowulf Prospect (Northern DJ Basin acreage) in Laramie County, WY.-- ~70% WI (83.5% NRl 8/8ths)-- ~12,330 Gross Acres (~10,220 Net Acres)-- Primary term through 2019 (50% of leases with 3-year extension)-- Leasehold established for dual length laterals. 66 wells permitted and ready to drill. -- Pet
【美国】【优质】油气资产投资 - 德克萨斯&路易斯安那【Energy China Forum】2018-01-11
Three fields in Colorado, Brooks, Cochran/Hockley counties, Texas; One field in Rapides Parish, Louisiana; 68 producing wells; Most of the wells are operated Net production of about 109 BOPD and 52 MCFD; Approximately 13,385 gross acres of leases; Comprehensive data in
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